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A Gainous family legacy that started back in 1988. We are a family owned tree farm that began in Cairo, Georgia by two brothers. Jimmy and Larry Gainous started a small nursery on their farm in North Grady County in March 1988. Lee Gainous, son of Jimmy and nephew of Larry was attending school at ABAC in Tifton at the time. While working and going to school he worked on the nursery learning the trade. Many, many years later, the nursery has grown in acres and is still owned by the Gainous Family.

 We specialize in # 5 and # 7 shade trees and are wholesale only. We would love for you to come and visit our nursery.

Give us a call today to schedule a tour. 

Lee Gainous 229-378-4210

Home: Plants

Photos of Last Years Crop

Live oak.JPG

5 Gallon Live Oak

5 Gallon Cryptomeria - 'Yoshino'

Bracken Brown Beauty.JPG

5 Gallon Bracken Brown Beauty Mag

Blue Point Juniper.JPG

5 Gallon Blue Point Juniper

Bracken Brown Beauty 7 gal.JPG

7 Gallon Bracken Brown Beauty Mag

Autumn Blaze.JPG

5 Gallon Autumn Blaze® Maple

Cedar elm.JPG

5 Gallon Cedar Elm

5 Gallon River Birch

Clump Heritage

Bald Cypress.JPG

5 Gallon Bald Cypress

5 Gallon Savannah - Holly Tree Form

Celebration maple.JPG

5 Gallon Celebration®

Cherokee Brave.JPG

5 Gallon Cherokee
Brave Dogwood

Claudia Wannamaker 7 gal.JPG

7 Gallon Claudia
Wannamaker Mag

5 Gallon Natchez Crape Myrtle MT

Chinese Pistache.JPG

5 Gallon Chinese Pistache

5 Gallon Sweet Bay

Magnolia MT

Cryptomeria Yoshino.JPG

5 Gallon Cryptomeria - 'Yoshino'

Chinkapin Oak.JPG

5 Gallon Chinkapin Oak

5 Gallon Tea Olive



5 Gallon D D Blanchard Magnolia

Claudia Wannamaker.JPG

5 Gallon Claudia
Wannamaker Mag

5 Gallon Tea Olive


Dawn Redwood.JPG

5 Gallon
Dawn Redwood

7 Gallon Sawtooth


Tuscarora CM.JPG

5 Gallon Tuscarora Crape Myrtle - 

European Horbean.JPG

5 Gallon European Hornbeam

5 Gallon Willow


Murray Cypress 7gal.JPG

7 Gallon Murray Leyland Cypress

5 Gallon Nuttall


Autumn Blaze 7 gal.JPG

7 Gallon Autumn Blaze Maple

7 Gallon Bald



5 Gallon Carl Wheeler
Tea Olive

5 Gallon Green

Giant Arborvitae

Chindo Viburnam.JPG

7 Gallon Viburnum Chindo

Carolina Saphire .JPG

5 Gallon Carolina Saphire

Blue Point Juniper 7 gal.JPG

7 Gallon Blue Point Juniper

Greensboro Red.JPG

7 Gallon Camellia Japonica
Greensboro Red

Okame Cherry.JPG

5 Gallon Okame Cherry

Little Gem 5.JPG

5 Gallon Little Gem Magnolia

Little Gem 7 gal.JPG

7 Gallon Little Gem Magnolia


7 Gallon Carolina Saphire

Miss Frances CM.JPG

5 Gallon Miss Frances Crape
Myrtle - MT

Natchez CM.JPG

5 Gallon Natchez Crape
Myrtle - MT

Scarlet CM.JPG

5 Gallon Scarlet Crape Myrtle - MT

Overcup Oak.JPG

5 Gallon Overcup Oak

Weeping willow.JPG

5 Gallon Weeping Willow

Swamp Whit oak.JPG

5 Gallon Swamp White Oak

Shi SHi Gashira.JPG

5 Gallon Camellia Sasanqua
Shishi Gashira

Spartan Juniper.JPG

5 Gallon Spartan Juniper

Nutall Oak.JPG

5 Gallon Nuttall Oak

Cherokee Princess.JPG

5 Gallon Princess Dogwood

Shumard oak.JPG

5 Gallon Shumard Oak

Muscogee CM.JPG

5 Gallon Muscogee Crape Myrtle - MT

october glory.JPG

5 Gallon October Glory® Maple

lacebark elm.JPG

5 Gallon Lacebark Elm

Summer Red.JPG

5 Gallon Summer Red® Maple

Sweet Bay Magnolia .JPG

5 Gallon Sweet Bay
Magnolia MT

Sweet Bay Magnolia Std.JPG

5 Gallon Sweet Bay Magnolia STD


7 Gallon Camellia Sasanqua Mino Yuki


5 Gallon Sycamore 

trident maple.JPG

5 Gallon Trident Maple

Winged Elm.JPG

5 Gallon Winged Elm

Tulip Poplar.JPG

5 Gallon Tulip Poplar

Yule Tide.JPG

5 Gallon Camellia Sasanqua
Yule Tide

Forest Pansy.JPG

5 Gallon Forest Pansy Redbud

Sycamore Exclamtion .JPG

5 Gallon Sycamore Exclamation

Willow Oak 7 gal.JPG

7 Gallon Willow Oak

Oakland Holly.JPG

5 Gallon Oakland Holly

Muscogee Std.JPG

5 Gallon Muscogee
Crape Myrtle STD

Natchez Std.JPG

5 Gallon Natchez Crape Myrtle STD

River Birch DH 7 gal.JPG

7 Gallon River Birch Dura Heat-

Bur Oak.JPG

5 Gallon Bur 

Allee Elm.JPG

5 Gallon Allee Elm

Willow Oak.JPG

5 Gallon Willow Oak


5 Gallon Blackgum

Sawtooth Oak.JPG

5 Gallon Sawtooth Oak

Cherry Laurel.JPG

5 Gallon Cherry Laurel

River Birch Heritage .JPG

5 Gallon River Birch Heritage

Cryptomeria Radicans.JPG

5 Gallon Cryptomeria Radicans

White Oak.JPG

5 Gallon White Oak

October Glory 7 gal.JPG

7 Gallon October Glory

Green Giant.JPG

5 Gallon Green Giant Arborvitae

White by the gate.JPG

7 Gallon Camellia Japonica
White By the Gate 

Murray Cypress.JPG

5 Gallon Murray Leyland Cypress

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